min. before the match |
Actions |
10' | The previous match has ended. The referees have finished all their duties. Referees and players leave the court. |
10' - 8' | The court is prepared. The next match is announced. |
8' | Players and referees enter the court. Players have to wear the tournament uniforms and begin warming up. The referees start preparing the match by checking the score sheet, court, net and balls. |
5' | The coin toss is conducted by the first referee with the two captains and the second referee. |
4' | Beginning of the official warm-up (3 minutes). |
1' | End of the official warm-up. Players move to their benches, the first referee goes to the referee’s stand and the second referee moves to the scorer’s table.
The players are introduced by the announcer and line up at the end lines. The first referee blows his whistle and the players run to the net for the shake hands. |
0' | Start of the match |
After the match | Shake hands with the players, referees and scorers. Scorers, captains and referees sign the scoresheet. |
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